Friday, April 24, 2009

heaven and hell

I've been neglecting commenting on new music of late so I'm going to recommend some rock.
First I need to discuss my undying love for dio-era black sabbath, now called heaven and hell. It's probably totally lame to prefer it over ozzy, but at this point in my life, I do. They are releasing a new album on April 28th called "the devil you know". It's awesome! Dio is nearly 70 and sounds amazing. They went right for that classic sabbath production. No reinventing the wheel, just rocking the fuck outta some doomy metal! Enough said, get this somehow. It was easy to steal on the Internet if you can't afford it. Utitlize the google.

Another new record that's pretty awesome is my old faves superdrag's "industry giants". If you know the band already, you get exactly what is expected, solid pop/rock with an English flavor and a southern heart. Great band.

A big thank you to all who came out to see my bands this week. It was fun.

1 comment:

  1. What a great discovery this blog is, entertained me on my boring saturday night in. Thank you Arthur, you never fail to put a smile on my moody face.did make me miss the old days though
    Stace x
