Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the right wing and u2

So, this is my first blog from my iPhone so it might be a disaster.

I finally heard the U2 album and I'm in total agreement with the reviews I have read. It's amazing, I haven't gotten into the lyrics yet as they took it off myspace after a day but musically I'm impressed. I'm kind of a big fan. Not of the last few records, those just seemed to be aimed at their aging fanbase as opposed to being timeless. With the exception of a few good singles, I was unimpressed and it felt like Bono wasn't trying anymore with his lyrics (except that song about his dad "sometimes you can't make it on your own"?). To their credit, they are old and don't have to write culturally significant records anymore, but the thing is, they are still trying to and I'm all for it. To me "Joshua tree" sets the bar for evoking emotions from a hugely popular record. Name a record since that has been that huge and that important at the same time. Dont say radiohead, they dont sell U2 numbers. Sure every record we love effects us but how many are huge pop successes. Very few. I was a metal head when that record came out and I couldn't deny it, no one could. It's timeless. My point? I like the new U2, it seems like a special and much needed record.

I saw a preview of the new alexandra pelosi hbo doc called "right wing:feeling wronged", i think. It's about the people who voted for McCain and how they felt and still feel. When I was touring America for years on end I ran into a lot of these type of people, bible thumping, amercia loving bushey's who think the left would like to see America taken over by terrorists, (even though we here in NYC are the only ones who have dealt with the foreign terrorists). These people are America. Not NYC, not LA. I except their difference in opinion as just that. Geography in America plays a huge part in ones views. Thing is, they never accepted my opinion. I was pretty much shit to these people (mostly because of my rational religious views). That always bothered me. Enter this documentary. Again, I've only seen a preview and the first 10 minutes on YouTube, but WTF? Obama is a Muslim? A terrorist? He said so??Really? In this day and age? They have the Internet at truck stops! What gives? They only check the white power sites? Can NYC just seceed from the union because this is so sad. I'm gonna withhold further judgement until I see the whole thing on weds.

Till then listen to Torche's "meanderthal". It's amazing.

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