Thursday, August 6, 2009


whats wrong with being negative? to me its just being honest. i know i bum people out. i always have. i've only survived at my job because i throw a great party..again, always have... maybe its my catholic upbringing, maybe i'm just a misrable cunt. i've always been attracted to negative music (metal). i've always written darker styles of music and even when i didn't it always had to have a negative twist (see "happiness is overrated"). i dont know. am i wrong? am i hard to be around? my grandfather was like this too. he was a bartender for 50 years and survived 4 heart attacks. i always looked up to him and his work ethic (which is an antiquated bullshit class system idiom) and abilty to be quiet, something i later realized was depression. maybe thats it? maybe its because people think i'm frowning its actually a tiny emo. i set the bar high at a young age. i realize that now in doing this et:11 reunion. thing is i dont feel like i've ever been young yet i've taken so long to mature. i guess i just need to fall in line like a good working class warrior....
i'm tired.
i feel like u need to do a blog on talk talks "spirit of eden" and "laughing stock". if you are an elbow fan, its a must listen.

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